VGA Signal Wiring

The generation of a VGA-compatible video signal from a PIC32 microcontroller is demonstrated by a number of examples. Common to these are certain hardware characteristics, described here to avoid unnecessary repetition.

Data Signal Routing

The following routing from output pins to output socket pins is employed.

routingOutput pinsD6D5D4470RD31000RD2470RD11000RD0470RHSYNC1000RD72200RVSYNCHSVSdiodediodediodeRGBVideo signals

Where two bits of intensity are supported, D6 is routed via a 4700 ohm resistor to each of the colour channel diodes, contributing to the existing D7-driven intensity signal.


For the examples documented in this project, the following pinouts apply. VGA connectors also support other signals, generally used for querying a display for supported resolutions, but since a statically configured resolution is employed by these examples, these other signals are left unconnected.

Output Socket Pinout

5 (GND)  4 (NC)   3 (B)    2 (G)    1 (R)

    10 (GND) 9 (NC)   8 (GND)  7 (GND)  6 (GND)

15 (NC)  14 (VS)  13 (HS)  12 (NC)  11 (NC)

Output Cable Pinout

    1 (R)    2 (G)    3 (B)    4 (NC)   5 (GND)

6 (GND)  7 (GND)  8 (GND)  9 (NC)   10 (GND)

    11 (NC)  12 (NC)  13 (HS)  14 (VS)  15 (NC)
